Tailored Solutions

Corporate Services

Corporate Insurance

We arrange Group Insurance plans, allowing employers to provide Income Protection Insurance, Life Insurance and TPD Insurance as a component of staff remuneration, providing an attractive incentive when hiring and retaining talent. We develop Business Insurance plans, including Asset Protection, Ownership Protection and Revenue Protection. Business Insurance mitigates risk to businesses and provides stability, in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as death or disablement of owners or key people.

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Corporate Superannuation

The introduction of My Super and the Modern Award system has been a win for investors with superannuation funds competing fiercely to entice members. Our audit and tender service enables employers to take advantage of the competitive landscape, to ensure the default superannuation fund of its organisation is attractive to employees. Our negotiations with providers will often result in the creation of a bespoke superannuation fund to meet the needs of an employer’s workforce.

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Individual Services

Personal Insurance

We help individuals protect their financial well-being by planning for the unexpected through Life Insurance, TPD Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance and Income Protection Insurance. We specialise in individual advice for business owners and professionals.

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Strategic Planning

We develop tax-effective financial and investment plans to help our clients achieve a sustainable and rewarding retirement lifestyle. We provide tailored advice on everything from daily budgeting to strategic investment decisions.

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Our Process

1. Consultation

We speak to you, via a phone consultation or a meeting, and explain our services in detail. We discuss how we can assist you, based on your individual and/or corporate situation and requirements.

2. Plan Development

Combining our knowledge of the financial industry, research into the options for your circumstances, and discussions with our partners, we develop a comprehensive tailored plan to address your needs.

3. Agreement

We present you with a comprehensive Statement Of Advice, covering our proposed strategy for your insurance or investment needs. We explain our recommendations in detail, and request your authority to proceed.

4. Ongoing Review

We value communication with our clients, and provide options for ongoing regular reviews of your position. We also offer support for service administration and claims management where applicable.