Perera Crowther Financial Services is a boutique financial advisory company, specialising in superannuation, insurance and strategic advice for corporate and individual clients. Founded in 2005, we have two Sydney offices, located in the CBD and in the Sutherland Shire, and serve clients throughout Australia.

We arrange Group Insurance and Business Insurance for corporate clients, providing stability and risk mitigation for businesses. For personal clients, we develop  Income Protection, TPD and Life Insurance plans, providing security for you and your family.


We provide superannuation reviews and tenders for corporate clients, to help employers provide the most attractive default fund for their staff. We help personal clients manage their superannuation to maximise their returns according to their risk profile.

Legal Industry

We specialise in working with major legal firms to provide superannuation tender and advice services, and to arrange group and business insurance plans. With offices in the heart of the CBD legal district, we understand the profession, and provide personal insurance, superannuation and financial advice to a wide range of legal professionals.

Pharmacies & Healthcare

We have long-standing arrangements with large pharmacy networks to offer insurance, superannuation and financial advice to individual pharmacy owners and their staff. We have a full appreciation for the significant investment a pharmacy owner makes in launching their own pharmacy, and help you mitigate risks and focus on your business.

Business Owners & Professionals

Having built a business from the ground up over more than a decade, we deeply relate to the needs, challenges and opportunities facing small-medium business owners and aspirational professionals. We have valued long-term clients in a wide range of industries covering everything from manufacturing to retail, food, fashion, trades and construction.